It’s not too early to start thinking about the holiday season that stretches from Thanksgiving to New Years.

Decide now to create a new holiday routine that you can follow year after year.

Make it through the holidays loving your liver.

Do you often find yourself feeling unloved, unappreciated, overburden and overwhelmed?

Does saying “no” make you feel guilty?

I have sometimes told myself during the holiday season that it’s alright to overeat and to take a break from exercising.snowman-1210018

Self-care goes out the window.

Do you do that too?

Why do we do that?

The holiday season is an emotional time for many of us. We want things to be the way they were when we were children. We feel nostalgic for the “better days.” We pine for those that have passed on. We feel that we’re something is missing in our lives. So we attempt to fill up the emptiness with food, alcohol, shopping, drugs, etc.

It’s a temporary fix. We are a hot mess. We are worse off now.

How do we get back on track?

There are specific things we can do.

We all feel we have top say yes to every request that crosses out path.

“No” is a complete sentence. We can choose to say “no.” Choosing to say no won’t happen if we are feeling that we are unworthy.

Stop it! You CAN do this!

You can choose to make yourself a priority.

“I choose to make myself a priority because____________________________.”

Forget the retail therapy to please others. Instead invest in your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health.

You will be happier, more peaceful and more loving and then you have MORE to give others because your container is BIGGER NOW.

Make sure you eat the best nutritious foods you love that fortify your body, mind and soul.

Get outside for a 20 minute walk in nature to soothe your soul.

Journal 5 minutes a day with pen and paper about all that you are grateful for.

Do some stretching in the morning and the evening to keep your body flexible.

Spend two or three minutes several times a day doing deep breathing to restore your entire physiology.

Invest the time and energy now to get started.

Invest in YOU.

You matter.

Your liver matters.

Your life matters.